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Are you Going Global Cover
Działaj globalnie

Rozwijaj swój biznes globalnie

Działanie globalnie jest wielkim - i ekscytującym - krokiem naprzód. Czy jesteście start-upem zaczynającym działalność za granicą, małą lub średnią firmą B2B przymierzającą się do działania globalnego, czy międzynarodową firmą zainteresowaną dalszymi sukcesami, możemy wspierać Twój sukces.

  • Picto/Manager Copy 7 Created with Sketch. 500 pracowników
    w + 65 krajach!
  • Picto/countries Created with Sketch. 25 języków
  • Picto/1_ACCESS TO 20 MILLION COMPANIES IN 60+ COUNTRIES Created with Sketch. + 21 mln firm na całym świecie
  • Picto/Manager Copy Created with Sketch. + 31 mln osób decyzyjnych

Korzyści z pracy
z Kompass

Boost your global potential by insisting on tailor-made services. You’ll have a helping hand every step of the way, regardless of your budget. From helping you find new prospects, distributors, partners and key contacts in international markets to increasing your long-term online visibility and guiding you in creating a digital marketing plan, our international and local teams will work with you to ensure you have the best go to market plan and chance for success.

Going Global Package

Effective, Tailor-made, Stress-free

A range of trusted products to develop your business effortlessly

Export Pro Solutions

Pokaż mi, jak to działa

Kompass solutions for exporters

  • EasyBusiness: A global B2B prospecting & segmentation tool
  • B2B directory: Boosted credibility of your company & access to qualified contacts
  • International Display: Build & grow your brand awareness in B2B and segmented community
  • CRM apps: Feed your international databases

Kompass services for exporters

  • Data consultancy and business intelligence
  • International Trade services with export missions
  • Strategy and Market research
  • Digital Marketing campaigns: Capture prospective clients faster and generate market opportunities

Tested. Proven

When entering new markets, you need to be seen and trusted.
Geared to your sector and goals, tailored solutions open up your global presence online and give you
clearly measurable online popularity. Ask for your free demo to see how the Exporter Pro Pack
can open the world for and to your company.

They increased their development with this Export Solution

Whether SME or big companies, 10 000 of them use our solutions daily

Tae Sung Co

Tae Sung Co

Manufacturer of exploration drilling equipment

Increasing the number of opportunities.

“Kompass service is an excellent service to find new overseas buyers. After using Kompass service, the number of inquiries through our homepage has increased dramatically. It seems that Kompass Google Indexing and SEO are the reason why more buyers have visited our homepage compared to before. Recently, we are in the process of trading samples with new buyers who are interested in our company. For example, new buyers have contacted us from Turkey, where business has stopped for the last 5 years..”

Gill Hyoung, Lee - Export Director


Textiles, Clothing, Leather

Increasing our Export Turnover.

“We have increased our export from %8 to %48 by using Kompass database.”

Mehmet Ozcan - Board Member

Our clients grew their business

Kawasaki Shell Nacex DHM Hewlett Packard Abus

Export Pro Solution

Export Pro Solution

  • EasyBusiness: A global B2B prospecting & segmentation tool
  • B2B directory: Boosted credibility of your company & access to qualified contacts
  • International Display: Build & grow your brand awareness in B2B and segmented community
  • CRM apps: Feed your international databases
  • Data consultancy and business intelligence
  • International Trade services with export missions
  • Strategy and Market research
  • Digital Marketing campaigns: Capture prospective clients faster and generate market opportunities
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Expand your business globally

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